Reference API

This is the primary reference of pypmi. Please refer to the user guide for more information on how to best implement these functions in your own workflows.

pypmi - Dataset fetchers and loaders

Functions for listing and downloading datasets from the PPMI database:

fetchable_studydata() Lists study data available to download from the PPMI
fetchable_genetics(projects) Lists genetics data available to download from the PPMI
fetch_studydata(*datasets, path, user, …) Downloads specified study data datasets from the PPMI database
fetch_genetics(*datasets, path, user, …) Downloads specified genetics data datasets from the PPMI database

Functions for loading data from PPMI database into tidy dataframes:

load_behavior(path, measures) Loads clinical-behavioral data into tidy dataframe
load_biospecimen(path, measures) Loads biospecimen data into tidy dataframe
load_datscan(path, measures) Loads DaT scan data into tidy dataframe
load_demographics(path, measures) Loads demographic data into tidy dataframe

Functions for listing measures available from relevant pypmi.load_X() commands:

available_behavior(path) Lists measures available in pypmi.load_behavior()
available_biospecimen(path) Lists measures available in pypmi.load_biospecimen()
available_datscan(path) Lists measures available in pypmi.load_datscan()
available_demographics(path) Lists measures available in pypmi.load_demographics()